According to the Copyright 1958 by G. & C. Merrian Co. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, Religion is defined as:
1. The service and adoration of God or a god as expressed in forms of worship.
2. One of the systems of faith and worship.
3. The profession or practice of religious beliefs; religious observances collectively; rites.
4. Devotion or fidelity; conscientiousness.
5. An awareness or conviction of the existence of a supreme being, arousing reverence, love, gratitude, the will to obey and serve, and the like; as, man only is capable of religion.
The word 'religion' appears five (5) times in the King James Version.
Acts 26: 5 .... (2356 threskeia, thrace-kee-ah, ceremonial observance, worshipping)
Gal. 1: 13, and 14 .... (2454 loudaismos, ee-oo-dah-is-mos, Jewish faith, religion)
James 1: 26, and 27 .... (2356 see above)
The word 'religious' appears two (2) times.
Acts 13: 43 .... (4576 sebomai, seb-om-ahee, to revere, i.e. adore, devout worship)
James 1: 26 .... (2357 threskos, thrace-kos, ceremonious in worship 'demonstrative' i.e. pious)
The numbers in parentheses are references to definitions of the original Greek word used in, The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible, Copyright 1995, 1996 by Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Focusing on James 1: 27 of the King James version which we read,
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
What we do for God is our Religion. It is practicing our faith. Going to church to worship Him, study His Word to know what He wants from us. Helping the less fortunate in His name. Keeping our selves from various sin. Testifying, sharing with others the Praises of God, for what He has done for us personally, and the good news of salvation as His first and most important gift to us. These things make us religious. We are being religious by doing them.
But doing things for God, does not achieve merit toward salvation.
According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary Copyright 1958 by G.& C. Merrian Co.
Solifidian is defined:
One who holds that faith alone, without achievement or personal merit, is sufficient to insure salvation.
Our religion celebrates what The Lord Jesus Christ did for us. He saved us from an eternity of separation from the Creator, Father. And it celebrates the love of the Father for us, in that He gave us His Son Jesus as a propitiation for our sins that separated us from Him in the first place. Our religion is not what brings us back into the Grace of God. If it did, then salvation would not be a gift of grace at all. Salvation would be an achievement of our own merits.
For by grace are we saved through faith; and that not of ourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them (Eph. 2: 8,9,10)
But now in Christ Jesus we who were seperated are made close by the Blood of Christ (Eph. 2: 13)
Now...the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calls you, who also will do it. (first Thessalonians 5: 23, 24)